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/ Fonts Icons & Screensavers / Fonts Icons & Screensavers - Bart Smit 1998.iso / BFNTICSS / FONTS / TTF_Y / Y30N.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-08-15  |  60KB
Labels: bird | bottle | bulletin board | earth | fence | field | grandstand | shelf | sky
OCR: abcdefehijktmnopgrstuvwayz ABCOE FGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 Ei)-.*: The quick brown Fos jumps over the lazy dos The quick brown sdun! aver the tazy dos. The qyick brown Fos jumps over the tazy dos. The quick brown iumps over the tazy dos The quick brown jumps over the tazy do's quick brown iumps guick brawn bver lumps dver